There are many factors why birds are not staying and nesting in your farm. Apart from all the micro-habitat criteria as mentioned by Indons: Kacasusu.....I believe a lot of people leave it out is the condition of you nesting planks. When you thought that you make your farm humidity level at the ideal 70%-95%, the means you use may affect your nesting plank condition for good nesting. There are many of us using chicken farm humidifier to create a man made humidity level, we know the mist will raise up to a level that it may or may not visibly touches the plank. Here is the tricks, without knowing, the mist is touching your planks on a regular and predictable basis, at no time, your plank is infected with mold. And if you visit your farm on a monthly basis, the mold is on!! So, when you do your next visit to your farm, make sure you have a checklist including plank mold check. It is generally viewed as slightly white in colour compared to your plank color, wipe it with your fingers, smell it, you should tell the difference...
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